
Sworn Translators in Brasov

If you need translation services in the city of Brasov and its surroundings, our Romanian translators have an office in this place where you can reach them. Our team can be contacted by clients in person, by directly going to our office, or online. Unless you are around our office, we strongly advise you to first reach our team online or by phone, so that we first discuss about the documents you need a translation for.

Through this, our team will be able to learn more about the documents for which you need a translation and will provide information about the time required to complete the respective translation, if we can provide expedite services for those documents, as well as the fee that we will charge (they vary based on the document we will translate and the language in which it will be translated).

Below, we invite you to discover some of the ways in which our sworn translators in Brasov can be of help. You can read about the services that we can offer, but for an in-depth presentation on all our services, we invite you to sent an e-mail or call us.

What kind of translations can sworn translators in Brasov complete?

Our team of sworn translators in Brasov can provide the same type of translations which can be requested at a national level, meaning, authorized translations and certified translations. The authorized translation is a very common activity carried out by our team, as it can refer to any type of document a person or a company may need in various aspects of life.

From personal documents of an individual, such as diplomas or identity documents, to corporate documents, such as incorporation documents, our team can prepare basically any document.

The particularity of the authorized translation is that the document will bear the signature and the stamp of the translator, who is a person who has received an authorization from the Ministry of Justice to provide translation services for various domains (legal, medical, etc.) in certain foreign languages.

Thus, simply addressing to a person who has graduated from tertiary education, by specializing in foreign languages, is not enough to have a valid authorized translation, as such persons are not automatically certified by the Ministry of Justice. Our team of sworn translators in Brasov is comprised of persons who have received their certification.

The other type of translation, the certified translation, refers to a document that can be used in the relation with various institutions, Romanian or foreign, that require the certification of a public notary. If you need a certified translation, please mind that you have to bring to us the original document, meaning that for this particular type of translation you will need to come in person to our office.

The law does not allow Romanian translators to prepare the certified translation of documents send by e-mail, fax or any other means of communication. Translators can do this only if you need authorized translations of documents, and this is why we highly recommend you to first call our sworn translators in Brasov, because they will know what steps have to be taken based on your documents.

What are the fees charged for translation services in Brasov?

Since Brasov is an important city in Romania, one can expect to pay similar fees for translation services. However, Brasov is not comparable with Cluj or Bucharest in terms of prices, so you will find that local translators will charge similar fees as in very large cities in Romania, but lower to a certain degree. Below, you can find information regarding the fee system:

  • for basic foreign languages, such as English or French, our sworn translators in Brasov will charge RON 25 per 1 page;
  • for less common European languages used in our region, such as Dutch, Greek or Croatian, you can expect to pay RON 50 to RON 90;
  • prices for Baltic languages can be charged at RON 100 – RON 120 per 1 page;
  • a page is considered any document that has 2,000 characters (spaces included) – if your document will have less than this, our translators will charge it as a page;
  • as said earlier, we can also provide expedite services, in which our Romanian translators can translate the document in the same day it is received, but here, you must know that the fees can increase by 50% to 300%, depending on the nature of the document.

Please contact our translators in Romania for more information on other services that we can offer. We will provide an answer as soon as possible if you contact us by e-mail. Our team can also put you in contact with our interpreter, if you need these services as well.