
How to Apostille Documents in Romanian

The process of obtaining an apostille for documents in Romania usually depends on the type of document you need to authenticate. Our translators in Romania are familiar with the different offices responsible for issuing apostilles in Romania. They can help you determine which office you need to visit based on the type of document you need to authenticate. We provide accurate translations in compliance with the requirements of the apostille application process.

Quick Facts
What is an apostille?

An apostille is a certificate that validates a document for international use between members of Hague Apostille Convention.

Purpose of Hague Apostille Convention

To simplify the process of authenticating documents for international use among its member countries.

Number of countries members of Hague Convention

126, including Romania

Types of apostilled documents

– juridical documents,

– notary documents,

– administrative documents

Juridical apostilled documents into Romanian

– legal judgments,

– rulings,

– decisions from Romanian courts,

– Commercial Registry Office documents,

– bailiff-issued documents

Notary apostilled documents into Romanian

– powers of attorney,

– contracts,

– affidavits,

– documents bearing the signature and seal of a Romanian notary public

Administrative apostilled documents into Romanian

– birth certificates,

– marriage certificates,

– death certificates,

– criminal record certificates,

– tax records,

– educational certificates, etc.

Ineligible documents for apostille

– passports,

– private documents,

– identity cards,

– documents issued by embassies or consular offices,

– honorary diplomas or certificates

Responsible authorities for issuing apostilles in Romania

– tribunals (juridical and notary documents),

– offices of the prefect (administrative documents)

Fees for translated apostilles

Our Romanian translators have variable fees for apostilled documents, depending on the individual cases.

Documents for issuance of apostilles

– written request,

– original document that is apostilled,

– proof of fee payment for issuance, etc.

Translating an apostilled document in Romanian

The apostille is affixed to the original document, translated into the required language by our Romanian translators, notarized, and then the apostille is applied to the notarized translation.

Consular legalization – characteristics

Needed if the destination country is not a party to the Hague Convention.

Our translators in Romania can help you with this procedure as well.

Available languages for translation

– Romanian,

– English,

– Greek,

– Spanish,

– Italian,

– German,

– Lithuanian,

– Czech, etc.

How can our Romanian translators help?

– translation to required language,

– assist in the proper authentication and notarization of documents

What are apostilled documents in Romania?

An apostilled document in Romania is a stamped and translated official document that has been verified by the Romanian authorities. It proves that the document is authentic and can be used for legal purposes in other countries that are party to The Hague Convention. Our services are available in multiple parts of Romania.

The apostille is meant to prevent the use of fake documents for legal purposes. It is a way for authorities to be sure that the documents they are receiving are genuine. Please note that if the destination country for which you need the apostilled document is not a party to the convention, you will need a consular legalization instead.

Some documents are ineligible for apostille. This includes: passports, private documents, identity cards, documents issued by embassies or consular offices, and honorary diplomas or certificates.

Our Romanian translators ensure that your document is properly translated, authenticated, and apostilled for use in international transactions or legal matters.

Main types of apostilled documents

You can typically obtain an apostilled document in Romania for various public documents. Here are the most common examples:

  • Juridical documents: This category includes legal judgments, rulings, and decisions issued by the Romanian courts. These documents may be related to civil, criminal, or administrative matters. Other documents may be documents issued by the Commercial Registry Office or documents issued by a bailiff.
  • Notary documents: This includes documents notarized by a Romanian notary public, such as powers of attorney, contracts, and affidavits. These documents must have the signature and seal of a notary public.
  • Administrative documents: These include documents related to births, marriages, divorces, and deaths. Examples are: birth certificates, marriage certificates, and death certificates. Other examples might be: criminal record certificates, tax records, or certificates issued by educational institutions.

Some documents in the administrative category may require certification by a competent ministry before being eligible for apostille. Our Romanian translators can give you more details for each category and type of documents you need apostilled.

Responsible authorities for apostilles

The specific authorities responsible for issuing the apostilled documents in Romania are:

  • tribunals, for juridical and notary documents;
  • offices of the prefect, for administrative documents.

The apostille is issued by the prefect’s office in the county where the document’s holder, their spouse, or a relative up to the second degree of kinship has domicile or last domicile.

Fees can vary depending on the type of document and the issuing authority. Our translators in Romania can help you apostille your documents for the specific authority.

The Hague Convention

The Hague or Apostille Convention aims to simplify the process of authenticating public documents for international use. It recognizes documents between member countries, eliminating the need for additional validation processes. If you want to learn more about The Hague Convention, our Romanian translators have selected some interesting information about it:

  • It has been adopted by over 120 countries and jurisdictions;
  • It was signed on October 5, 1961, and effective since January 24, 1965;
  • It has been effective in Romania since March 16, 2001.

If you are looking for a team of translators in Romania who also handle apostilled documents, contact our team now.