If you are interested in requesting legal translation services, you can rely on our company, which offers legal translations in Romania. Besides the fact that these are done by sworn translators approved by the Romanian Ministry of Justice, our translators have a law background thus insuring that your documents are truly understood before translated.
Quick Facts | |
Languages in which we can translate | Our translators in Romania can offer legal translations in many European languages, such as English, French, German, Danish, Hungarian, Greek, etc. |
Types of clients we can serve | Our team can provide translation services to individuals, companies or non-governmental organizations. We can serve both Romanian and foreign clients. |
Translation services for individuals | Individuals usually contact us for legal translations services of their personal documents, such as: marriage or divorce certificates, identity documents, school certificates and diplomas and other similar documentation. |
Translation services for businesses | For corporate clients, our translators in Romania can prepare legalized translations of any corporate document (incorporation documents, certificates, contracts, agreements, brochures, marketing documents, handbooks and others). |
Elements of an official translation | An official translation must contain the accurate translation of the official document, the signature of the translator and the stamp of the translator. |
Accreditation required for Romanian translators (yes/no) | Yes |
Institution in charge with the authorization | The Romanian Ministry of Justice |
Law applicable to translators | The Law no. 178/1997 |
Interpreting services available (yes/no) | Yes |
When can you book the services of our interpreter? | The services of an interpreter are required in any type of meeting in which the parties involved can’t speak a common language (such as in interviews or conferences). |
Types of documents we can translate | Legal translations can be made for any type of document (contracts, identity documents, personal or corporate certificates, school reports, court decisions, technical papers, medical documents, etc.). |
How can clients send us the paperwork? | Our clients can send the documentation via e-mail, but in many cases we will require (as imposed by the law) to have the original document, in which case you will need to come in person to our office and hand us out the respective paper. |
When is it legally required to have a legal translation? | A legal translation is necessary in the relation with various state institutions. In such cases, it is mandatory to submit a translation that bears the signature and the stamp of an authorized translator. |
Fee system | Our translators in Romania can charge by page or by document, depending on the size and the complexity of the document. |
Quality standard applied to translation companies | ISO 17100 |
Expedite services | Our Romanian translators offer expedite services (we can prioritize your documents if you need them translated in a short amount of time). |
How is a page of text defined? | 2,000 characters page |
Types of large translations our team can complete | Books, manuals, brochures, technical manuals, etc. |
When is a document considered a large translation? | When a document is larger than 30 pages (one of our members translates around 2,000 words per day, depending on the type of document, and a page of 2,000 characters represents around 300 words) |
What is the fee system charged for large translations? | By 1 hour of work or by 1 day of work |
Ways to book our team for interpreting services | By hour or by day |
Cities where you can contact our translators | Our Romanian translators are available in: Constanta, Galati, Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Craiova, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Ploiesti and Oradea. |
Apostille services (yes/no) | Yes |
Cities with the largest number of translators | Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca |
Regular working program | Our Romanian translators work from Monday to Friday. |
Can translators work outside their regular work program? (yes/no) | Yes |
Can translators offer their services in court proceedings? | Yes, it is possible to book the services of translators in court proceedings. |
Can translators impose higher fees than standard? | Yes |
Situations when it is allowed to impose higher rates | When clients require expedite services or when the translators work outside their regular working hours (in weekends, during night time or during national holidays). |
EU legislation applicable to the translation industry | The Directive 2010/64/EU, the Directive 2005/36/EC |
According to the Romanian legislation, certain types of documents have to be translated, and the translation has to be done by persons who have received an authorization from the Ministry of Justice. Non-Romanian speaking persons must also be assisted by Romanian legal translators when signing documents before Romanian authorities, such as public notaries for instance.
In order to legalize a document that is written in a foreign language, first you need to request the services of a translator in Romania; after this, the document can be notarized and these two steps are necessary for a standard legalization procedure. Our service can include both procedures.
One of the main reasons to address to our team is given by the fact that our translators have actually graduated from Law Schools. Most of the persons working in translation companies in Romania are not specialized in this field. Given that our Romanian translators have a legal background while having the right to provide legal translation services, our clients can be sure that the translation from a language to another will be done in an exceptional manner, that will not create any legal misunderstandings.
In order to become a translator in Romania, there are specific requirements all persons should comply. Most of those working in this industry are graduates of foreign languages universities, but simply graduating university does not automatically provide the right to become a translator.
Those who want to work with official documents issued by the foreign institutions will need, as said above, to receive an authorization from the Ministry of Justice, and only after this they will be entitled to provide legal translation services. Below, you can find few details on the legal framework regulating this legal sector:
If you represent a foreign company expanding on the local market, then you may probably need the services of Romanian translators for numerous documents, especially when we refer to the company’s official documents that generally have to be submitted with the local institutions.
Here, the company’s articles of association, the registration certificate issued by the country where the foreign company operates, the decision to establish a company in Romania and numerous other papers will be required. As long as such documents are not written in Romanian, an official translation will be necessary and our team can help you in this process.
However, besides the official documents that have to comply with certain legal requirements prior to being submitted with various authorities, our team can also provide translation services for other papers prepared by your company and which will need a trustworthy translation into Romanian.
Here, we mention documents such as: brochures, technical papers, handbooks, product packaging, manuals, marketing materials and others, depending on your object of activity or the manner in which you develop your business activity (we can also provide top quality translation servicesfor online businesses expanding in Romania, which may need their materials translated into Romanian to reach their potential clients). In case you need software development services in Romania, we can put you in contact with our partners – Clientpedia.com.
Certified translations represent a separate category of services that can be provided by our translator in Romania. They refer to official documents of foreigners that have to be translated into Romanian for a wide category of purposes. Such documents can only be translated by specialists in the field.
Thus, if you are a foreigner, you can always address to our Romanian translators for certified translations of birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, death certificates and, in general, any other type of certificate. Our team can also translate diplomas and other documents attesting various levels of expertise of our client, as well as academic records.
Please mind that if you need a certified translation of a medical document, our team can also help you in this sense. You should also know that our translators in Romania can prepare documents issued by the Romanian institutions to be used in other jurisdictions.
This means that our team can translate Romanian documents into other foreign languages. If you need information on our full list of foreign languages that we can translate to and from, please send your inquiry to our Romanian translators. Our team will analyze your request and will provide an answer as soon as possible.
Although the translation can be done through e-mail, given that such documents will always need to be legalized, the original version of the papers has to be provided by our clients. Romanian-Translators.com has an important number of clients and collaborators from abroad. As examples we would mentioned Poland and Slovenia.